Bilkon has a total of 84 employees, and is a combination of young and experienced confectioners. The management consists of highly and secondary educated, and highly professional staff with many years of experience in the same and similar jobs in the textile companies Bilećanka and Novoteks.
This company does a very good job for Lohn for STIHL and we are very satisfied. We have many years of cooperation.
Bilkon is really a factory for example. We ordered HTZ equipment several times and were very satisfied with the equipment we received. Best value for money. That's how it is when a company works for the western market.
Together with the team from Bilkon, we did several projects. We are very satisfied with the service and plan to expand our cooperation.
If you are young and hardworking, you want to work and improve in textiles, let us know by clicking the button below. Previous experience is desirable, but not necessary.
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